Produced for Web, Commercial Web, Semi-commercial Web and Continous Form Printing Machines. It is a very ambitious and economical product with very low (0% IPA) alcohol usage rates according to your needs and conditions.
Since it does not have volatility, it remains effective for a long time.
Provides a significant reduction in overall material consumption.
Excellent balance at ink-fountain solution level.
It provides controllable, traceable, high quality printing.
Problems caused by alcohol use are eliminated.
Provides fast transition to clean printing and reduces waste rates.
High cleaning power. Prevents contamination.
Compatible with all kinds of ink can work smoothly.
It forms a thinner water layer in the humidification system.
It is compatible with all kinds of plates (including CTP) used in the presses, it does not harm.
The proportion of fountain solution mixed into the printing water is in the range of 2-3%.
Depending on the usage water, pH balance is provided in the range of 4.8-5.2.
The alcohol content used is 0%
* The information on this technical data sheet is based on our general experience. The tests are carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. The information may change as conditions change. The performance of the product and the suitability of the print made depends on the printing conditions and the quality of the printed materials. For this reason, the statements in this document do not necessarily imply a performance guarantee for a particular application.
Technical document