Nova Ultra Wash UV is a water miscible, wash, formulated for the removal of UV curable offset inks from blankets, roll ers and also from damper covers. A specia l mixture of solvents the UV curable ink is quickly and easily removed the rubber sur faces. it hasa minimal odour releasethi s makes it environmentally safe. Nova Ultra Wash UV is also compatible for the removal of conventional inks.
Cleans qui ckly and thoroughly.
Prevents oxidation and swelling of the rubber.
Maintains ink receptivity of rollers and blaknets.
, Mini mumodour release helps to keep a heal thier working environment.
Blankets: Apply Nova Ultra Wash UV ei ther neat or ona water damp cloth . After removing the ink film, wipe away any excess with a dry cloth.
Rollers: Apply neat. For through cleaning and removal of gum glaze and lint appl y Nova Ultra Wash UV neat and rinse off with water.
* The information on this technical data sheet is based on our general experience. The tests are carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. The information may change as conditions change. The performance of the product and the suitability of the print made depends on the printing conditions and the quality of the printed materials. For this reason, the statements in this document do not necessarily imply a performance guarantee for a particular application.
Technical document