A high-tech, high performance fountain soluti on for speciall y formulated today’s generation of web cold-set offset presses
Nova Plus contains chemistry to sequestrate minerals and salts, especially calcium carbonate and magnesium the most common ink hazard. Sequestrati on means to neutralise or li terally wrap up these mi nerals and salts by altering their chemical structure. The net result is a fountain solution that does not break down the ink!
By using Nova Plus fountain solution printing ink avoids from breaking down.
The first thing printers notice when running Nova Plus is that they have to turn down thei r ink settings. By not attacking the pigment/ varnish balance, the printe r is abl e to get a stronger colour out of the ink. Dots pull cleaner and sharp er, especially in shadow areas. Colour comes back quicker on start- ups with less variation. 1,5 % dosage willbeenough for high quali ty performance.
Stronger colour produces good solids without having to ‘push’ the ink . Dots prin t cleanly and sharply, resul ting in less dot gain and improvedprint contrast.
Front-runner of the new generation of fountain solutions
Nova Plus is recomended 1.5% starting dosage, if the water is hard it can be increase up to 3%
T he optimum dosage will vary with the type of press dampening system, water and work being printed and can only be arrived at after some experimentat ion and experience.
Water quality can have a strong effect on the printing quality. A total water hardness of 8-10′ dH (degrees German hardness), is regarded as suitable for offset printing. Hard water increases the pH of the fountain solution. lf the total water hardness is above 14″ dH (> 250 ppm CaCO3), use of water conditioning technology should be considered.
* The information on this technical data sheet is based on our general experience. The tests are carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. The information may change as conditions change. The performance of the product and the suitability of the print made depends on the printing conditions and the quality of the printed materials. For this reason, the statements in this document do not necessarily imply a performance guarantee for a particular application.