Nova DampClean System Cleaner is designed to clean the fountain solution mixing system and dampening system of printing machine. it contains very active cleaners which quickly removes and disperses all accumulated moulds in the system. Because of i ts low alkalini ty value it reduces the amount of usage of the product, so it is also an economical product. lf this product is used regul arly, wi ll hetp you to reduce maintenance time of press and to improve printing quatity.
Nova DampClean System Cleaner is designed to clean the fountain solution mixing system and dampening system of printing machine. it contains very active cleaners which quickly removes and disperses all accumulated moulds in the system. Because of i ts low alkalini ty value it reduces the amount of usage of the product, so it is also an economical product. lf this product is used regul arly, wi ll hetp you to reduce maintenance time of press and to improve printing quatity.
* The information on this technical data sheet is based on our general experience. The tests are carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. The information may change as conditions change. The performance of the product and the suitability of the print made depends on the printing conditions and the quality of the printed materials. For this reason, the statements in this document do not necessarily imply a performance guarantee for a particular application.