Nova decalcifier is designed for cleaning calcium and magnesium salt ts accumulate on the rollers. The amount of calcium and magnesium salts in the water determines the water hardness. When the hard water mixed with fountain solution concentrate, salts cause calcium and magnesium accumulation on the rollers and blankets.
Nova decalc i fi er is designed for cleaning calcium and magnesiumsal ts accumulate on the roll ers. The amount of the calcium and magnesium sal ts in the water determenies the water hardness. When the hard water mixed with fountain solut i on concentrate, salts cause calc ium and magnesium accumulation on the rollers and blankets. By using Nova Decalcifyer periodically, it prevents re-accumulation of sal ts on blanket and rollers, it helps ink and water transfer.
It is recommended th at before apply the Nova decalcifyer wash roll er with a sui table type of Nova wash. Apply Nova decalcifyer on the roller train. Before restart the press, wash the roll er tr ai n with wat er and then dry it properly.
* The information on this technical data sheet is based on our general experience. The tests are carried out under controlled laboratory conditions. The information may change as conditions change. The performance of the product and the suitability of the print made depends on the printing conditions and the quality of the printed materials. For this reason, the statements in this document do not necessarily imply a performance guarantee for a particular application.
Technical document